Thursday, March 2, 2017

Restorative Practices

Restorative Practice:

The CBDRC is embarking on an exciting program introducing Restorative Practices into the Moses Lake School District.  This is a partnership with the Moses Lake School District to find new and better ways to handle discipline in the school district.  We at the CBDRC are excited to help out our community by helping to reduce the amount of truancy, students on suspension and break the school to juvenile justice system trend.  Students that have had multiple suspensions during their school career 70% of the time wind up in the juvenile justice system. 

The Moses Lake School District is a futuristic looking school district with the well being of their students at heart.  They are looking for ways to improve the experience of students in their system.  The residents in this community should be proud of the school district and the quality of education the students are receiving. 

What the CBDRC and the School District need at this time is the support of the community in helping to reach out to the students.  With Restorative Practice we will be looking to help the students that commit harm to others to accept their responsibilities for that harm.  For the victims of that harm to have a voice in dealing with the incident.  Most of all it will allow both the person that created the harm and the victim to come up with a permanent solution to the conflict.  When people are involved in a solution they are more likely to follow through and honor that agreement. 

It is an exciting time that we are in with many opportunities to make a better world.  Please join with us in doing all we can to make Moses Lake a better place to live.  Please contact us at the CBDRC if you would like to be a part of this project. 

Thank you,
Clint Opheikens

1 comment:

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