Monday, October 31, 2016

You to can be of service:

Our country is currently electing public officials to look after the common good.

It isn’t only people in elected office, however, who provide important public service. Every town is blessed with persons who serve their community by volunteering to provide transportation to a doctor’s office, tutor a student, work in a food bank, serve on non-profit Board of Directors, coach a soccer team, raise money for an animal shelter, the list goes on and on.   

As a member of the Board of Directors of the Columbia Basin Dispute Resolution Center, I invite you to learn about the opportunities our non-profit, community service organization offers you to contribute to the health of our community. 

We provide MEDIATION services for divorcing couples who don’t agree on a parenting plan, neighbors upset with each other, co-workers not getting along in the workplace, adult children disagreeing on elder care for their parent, etc.  One of our most important community services is training school personnel to help students deal responsibly with their hurtful conflicts. One of the most important community services we offer is called “Restorative Justice”, training school personnel to help students confront and resolve conflict in their relationships.

If you believe our training and mediation services contribute to the health and wellbeing of our community, please contact us to learn how you, as a volunteer, can become part of our work. Call us at: 509-760-0706 and watch at

Leo Haemmelmann, President,
Board of Directors, Columbia Basis Dispute Resolution Center