Monday, October 9, 2017

Conflict In Our Lives

When you look at the definition of the word ‘conflict’, you see that it can be used as either a verb or a noun.  The definition of the word, when used as a verb, is defined as “to come into collision or disagreement; be contradictory, at variance, or in opposition; clash; to fight or contend; do battle.  In considering this definition, it would seem that people are in various degrees of conflict 70% of the time.  With all the conflict and controversy that is going on in the world today, it is great knowledge to know that because this conflict is an action word, we can change the outcome.

One can’t listen to or read the news today without recognizing various segments of society being in contention with one another.  We talk about tolerance and acceptance bet we define those as “Just agree with me because I am not going to see your side” or “I am smarter than you and I know what is best for you so do it my way”.  We are eliminating the person that thinks for themselves of makes their own decisions.  Our society is acting like a bunch of elitists who think that other’s opinions are inferior and so we are not supposed to listen to them and make up our own minds.  We are expected to let someone else do our thinking for us and just sit back and let things happen to us.

Conflict is a verb and therefore it is an action.  As an action, we can choose to do something about conflict.  When each of us were born, most were given the ability to talk.  If not, we have learned to communicate in other ways to get things that we want and need.  With that ability to communicate, each of us has a way to work at our conflicts.  Here at the Columbia Basin Dispute Resolution Center, we have found that Mediation is that ability to work out our conflicts through talking to each other.  Yes, there are road blocks that get in the way but they can be worked around.  What the world needs today is to start listening to the other side.  To stop yelling out their side and see that the other side of the conflict has some good points as well.  When we listen and work together we can come up with solutions.  They may not be what we originally thought they would be, but they will be a compromise or blending of ideas where both sides give up something for the good of all.  The key is to listen with an open mind and do what is best for all concerned.

Our society was built on the concept that everyone’s voice mattered and we should all be listened to.  It was then our responsibility to find a way to do what was best for all without imposing our will on others. Remember this the next time you find yourself in conflict so you can listen and find the ability to solve conflicts.  

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